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WGW 2024


Aleje Ujazdowskie 16, Warszawa

Sunlight on the Pages of a Book

Curator: Agata Małodobry

Anna Panek, Kinga Nowak, Michał Bratko, Kornel Janczy, Sławomir Brzoska and Jakub Ciężki will showcase their own work that matches with the experimental profile of the gallery, an artist-run space based in Krakow. Works by Wanda Czełkowska, an artist-intellectual, will also be shown. Her artistic path led from Krakow to Warsaw.

The exhibition references the site at which it is presented: once a second-hand bookshop Logos, it now houses an art gallery with sunshine streaming into it through the large windows. The title, Sunlight on the Pages of a Book, evokes the physical sensation of reading in daylight. Sunlight stands for the rational, and the book symbolises knowledge while also encouraging one to feel doubt and to challenge established conventions of thinking. The works on show will have condensed form. The book as an object: the rhythm of bookshelves and the volumes upon them, the motion of pages being turned: in what way are the artists going to interpret those visual signals? The language of signs comes to prominence here. The basic geometry (right angles) present here naturally ensues from the shape of the object that the book is, and it provides yet another reference to rationality. The gallery space will be where threads narrated by individual artists join together. Like the pages of a book, consecutive artworks will uncover further pieces of the story that has come to an end in the courtyard of a nineteenth-century tenement in which the gallery is located.